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$299 / INR 23,999

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Chapter 1: Cloudera CDP & Use Cloudera Data Visualizations-Understand Data Visualizations
Chapter 3: Cloudera CDP & Use Apache Hive and Impala-Identify databases/tables within Impala that you need to pull data from
Chapter 4: Cloudera CDP & Use Apache Hive and Impala-Format and convert data types
Chapter 6: Cloudera CDP & Use Apache Hive and Impala-Work with primary and foreign keys
Chapter 7: Cloudera CDP & Use Apache Ranger and Atlas-Inspect lineage in Apache Atlas
Chapter 8: Cloudera CDP & Use Apache Ranger and Atlas-Understand that Access Policies in Apache Ranger
Chapter 9: Cloudera CDP & Use Apache Ranger and Atlas-Understand that the role of a Data Steward
Chapter 11: Cloudera CDP & Calculator aggregate statistics-Work with aggregate functions
Chapter 12: Cloudera CDP & Hive and Impala Optimization-Understand the use of Pushing the filter condition
Chapter 13: Cloudera CDP & Hive and Impala Optimization-Understand the use of Bucketing
Chapter 14: Cloudera CDP & Hive and Impala Optimization-Understand how File format Optimization
Chapter 15: Cloudera CDP & Hive and Impala Optimization-Work with Compute Stats
Chapter 16: Cloudera CDP & Data Management and Storage-Understand where/how the data is stored/accessed in HDFS
Chapter 17: Cloudera CDP & Data Management and Storage-Understand the ways to store query results into a table or directory
Chapter 18: Cloudera CDP & Data Management and Storage-Different between External and Managed tables
Chapter 19: Cloudera CDP & Data Management and Storage-Use partitioning
Chapter 20: Cloudera CDP & Data Warehouse-Understand how to manage virtual warehouse
Chapter 21: Cloudera CDP & Data Warehouse-Understand the Use of Data Catalog Service

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